Saturday, August 1, 2015

Tools for Startups

At Shamiko Design, we find out what your needs are, plan a branding strategy and design an impactful brand identity that is unique and strong... Communicating your brand promise.

Some people asked me "Sharon, Why do I need Branding?" The answer is simple: A strong brand design creates "pull" factor, in customers. It increases returns on investments, tells your company’s story and provides unique experiences. Therefore, giving you an edge over your competitors when choosing between products.

Branding through good design creates lasting impressions in people's hearts and minds, therefore, promoting brand loyalty.

Celia, newbie at wines, goes to Safeway to buy a bottle of red wine for her dinner party, she was bombarded by all kinds of brands on the shelf and there was no taste test either. So the only thing left was to choose the best looking label and read what the content may be. 
- Impression counts a great deal!

Creating a good brand design is the first step that provides tools you need to start your business before any marketing takes place. Marketing is the "push" factor that takes your products out to the market and gets your brand awareness out there.

A brand is much more than a name or a logo—your brand is your creative touch points for everything about your company. What I mean by touch points are the visual, physical, psychological and sensory aspects, which I will elaborate, in my later posts.

You may first start off with creating the name of your company and designing your logo and creating a brand identity that includes stationery, business cards, envelopes, invoice and electronic versions, as well or a PowerPoint slide template for your sales presentation to your customers.

[ Good Design is Good Business ]

To further build your brand, you may want to consider a website; which is your online store presence. Or design a white paper, flyers, posters, and a brochure, both digital or printed. If you have a physical storefront, a great impactful signage and creative interior design of the store can draw in customers and bring about experiences. Branding is all about creating experiences for your customers. 

Packaging/labels for your products is a must to tie in your identity to create a strong brand consistency. These tools are needed to give your company a cohesive and distinctive edge for starting your brand.

When you approach people, you can be proud when people go: "Ooooooooo... "

That itself says everything.

Brand Design for Cribatures showing the range of products in cohesion.

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