Saturday, April 27, 2024

What is brand consistency, and how does it maintain creativity?

Working with a lot of companies, the stakeholders are so afraid of mis-communicating the brand that they work themselves into a box which constricts the brand growth and applications.

Brand consistency does not necessarily mean following it to the T at all times. While it is important to maintain a consistent brand identity, there is still room for flexibility and creativity within that framework. Brand consistency refers to the use of consistent visual elements, messaging, and brand values across all touch points and communication channels. It ensures that customers have a clear and cohesive experience with the brand.

However, this does not mean that a brand cannot expand or be more creative. In fact, creativity is essential for brand growth and innovation. The key is to strike a balance between maintaining the core elements of the brand and exploring new ideas and approaches. Flexibility allows brands to adapt to changing market trends, target new audiences, and explore new creative directions, while still staying true to their brand essence.

By being consistent in the core elements and values, a brand can establish a strong foundation and build trust with its audience. This provides the flexibility to experiment and be creative within the established brand framework, while still maintaining a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.

As for example, this is MTV latest logo:

And the logo is also recognizable in different designs. The main form is the big M. The question is how do you expand or adjust that your brand is still recognizable and strong?

Thursday, March 28, 2024

What are the elements of good design in digital applications?

The key elements of good design can vary depending on the context, but some common elements include:

Good design is visually pleasing and engages the user. It involves the use of colors, typography, imagery, and layout to create an appealing and harmonious visual experience.

Good design is often characterized by simplicity and minimalism. It aims to eliminate unnecessary complexity and distractions, making it easier for users to understand and interact with the design, especially if it applies to web or mobile interactions and user interfaces.

Good design maintains consistency across different elements, such as colors, typography, and layout. Consistency helps users navigate and understand the design more easily.

Good design communicates its message clearly and effectively. It uses clear and concise language, intuitive navigation, and appropriate visual cues to guide users and ensure they understand the intended message or action.

Good design should serve a purpose and be practical in its intended use. It should be designed with the user's needs and goals in mind, ensuring that it is easy to use and navigate.

Good design considers the needs of all users, including those with disabilities or limitations. It aims to be inclusive and provides equal access and usability to everyone.

Good design is often innovative and pushes boundaries. It introduces new ideas, concepts, or technologies to improve the user experience and solve problems in creative and unique ways.

These elements work together to create a cohesive and effective design that not only looks visually appealing but also fulfills its purpose and provides a positive user experience.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Do you do need a brand makeover?

The lifespan of a brand can vary depending on various factors such as industry, market trends, and target audience. Some brands can last for decades, while others may need updates more frequently. 

There are several indicators that may suggest it is time to update a brand. These include:

Evolution of the market

If the market and consumer preferences have significantly changed, it may be necessary to update the brand to remain relevant and competitive.

Outdated visual identity

When the brand's visual elements, such as logo, colors, or typography, look outdated or no longer resonate with the target audience, a brand update may be needed.

Brand misalignment

If the brand's values, messaging, and personality no longer align with the company's current vision, mission, or target audience, updating the brand may help realign the brand identity.

Mergers or acquisitions

In the case of mergers or acquisitions, a brand update may be required to reflect the new company's identity and positioning.

Negative associations

When a brand has developed negative associations or experiences a significant reputation crisis, rebranding may be necessary to rebuild trust and improve perception.

Ultimately, the decision to update a brand should be based on careful consideration of the brand's performance, market dynamics, and strategic goals. Regular brand audits and market research can help determine when a brand update is needed.

Monday, July 3, 2023

What is good branding ?

In today's digital age, a good brand should have the following characteristics:

1. Authenticity: Consumers want brands that are honest and transparent about their values, beliefs, and practices.

2. Consistency: A good brand should have a consistent message and image across all channels, including social media, website, and advertising.

3. Engagement: Brands that engage with consumers on social media and other digital channels are more likely to build loyal followings.

4. Relevance: Successful brands are relevant to their target audience and are able to adapt to changing consumer needs and trends.

5. Personalization: Brands that use data and technology to provide personalized experiences to consumers are more likely to build long-term relationships.

6. Innovation: Brands that are innovative and embrace new technologies are more likely to stay ahead of the competition.

7. Social Responsibility: Consumers expect brands to be socially responsible and to have a positive impact on the world.

8. Customer Experience: A good brand should provide a seamless and enjoyable customer experience across all touch points, including mobile, web, and in-store.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

7 Pillars of Brand Marketing

Today, I like to talk about the importance in branding in 2023 and what good branding can do. Marketing strategies have certainly changed and it affects all brands. Are you doing these 7 pillars in your branding strategies?

Recognition by Differentiation
Branding helps differentiate a company from its competitors, making it easier for consumers to recognize and remember the company and its products or services.

Strength in ID
A strong brand identity can increase customer loyalty and trust, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Trust is Everything
Branding can help establish a company's reputation and authority in its industry, which can attract top talent, business partnerships, and investment opportunities.

Consistency is the Key
Consistent branding across all channels and touch points can help create a cohesive and professional image for the company, which can lead to increased credibility and legitimacy.

Define Your Brand
A well-defined brand strategy can guide a company's marketing and advertising efforts, ensuring that messaging and visuals are consistent and effective.

Higher Price Point
A strong brand can command higher prices for products or services, as consumers are willing to pay more for the perceived value and quality associated with a reputable brand.

Brand Up Online
In today's digital age, a strong online presence and social media strategy are essential for business success, and branding can help create a recognizable and engaging online persona that resonates with consumers.

It is always good to stop what you are doing and evaluate the current status of your brand. It might move off tangent so line it back up with today's market.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Mac Kenzie Childs Furniture

I forgot about Mac Kenzies Childs Store, 20 years ago. I still love it and now I love their furniture because of how they combine the colors, texture and material. I think they are influenced by Memphis design. Put any piece in the house and it becomes an instant art work, may it be a kettle or even a napkin. 

This is such an inspiration to me that I think I could paint my plain furniture to something like this and make it my own. Here are some of my favorite pieces.

What do you think?

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Standardize Web Shopping Cart Experience

 Hello Friends, 

Don't you think we should have a global shopping cart paying experience? As a consistent online shopper, you want to check out seamlessly and fast without having to think so much and finding out where are the essentials. Even when you are collecting your items, it should all be consistent in all websites, or mobile devices globally.

Here is one of a simple bold website that I like. The typeface has contrast, it is clean and clear.

Anything creative experiences should be on the homepage to be to impress your audience. While movement can be interesting, but too much, can be so irritating and annoying, especially if you are trying to read and get to the information. 

Any homepage on the website should have the basic info like: 

• Your logo – This is important as it states the presence of your brand. And as you scroll, anytime you click on the logo, everyone should know that it goes back to the home page.

• Contact – Contact info should always be at the expected placement. Either at the bottom of your homepage where the site map is or top right at the minimum, or have a page of contact in the menu bar.

• Service/product – This could be your shopping site, or individual service or product. Be clear and keep it clean looking.

• About us or the team – Talk about who you are as a company, your mission, objectives and goals. Add key people into the group like 6 people. This is to establish credibility that the customers can get a peace of mind that you have a good team working with you. If you are a one person company, tell how and why you started the company. People love a good story.

• Call to action – This is an area where you give something to get their email that gets lead generation or connection for the future of your company. It could be a 10% offer or a discount code, an online brochure info, something that your customers or clients would want and is worth for them to give you their email so that you can be connected.

• Your links to other social media platforms – These links are important because you would show traction of the likes and followers. Or your posts to keep your brand and product interesting and fresh.

I think in this day and age, everyone needs a website, to command an online presence. It could be as simple as a one page website. 

All the best on your biz journey!

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Shoe Design

I would think customizing a shoe would be easy but it is not. You have to consider all the details, like if it goes with most your pants, the shape and style you would use it or skirts or skorts and the colors you use. It is the fabric, colors, design, laces, where to put your brand.... and more.

Here are some design I created. I think gold eyelets makes it more classy. What do you think? 

Then of course I thought I would design some green ones for spring.
What do you think of these?

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

My Love Ts

What has this to do with design? I am thinking of how to be an advocate of less war and building more love for each other. How to create more PEACE in the world. Do people have to be reminded of how to love each other? Do people understand what love is in the first place? Have we forgotten who we are?

Maybe we each can use our talents to create some good. To be an advocate of love? If you are daring, start leading and being a leader of world peace? Or just start something small, in your social media.

I had to give a 2 weeks topic on love and it was quite an amazing journey in 2019, ( so I had to do a research of what love really is and found out that there are 4 different types of love:

Eros: erotic, passionate love
Philia: love of friends and equals
Storge: love of parents for children
Agape: love of mankind

Agape love is the best kind because it does not give you a headache! It is a kind of love that is over reaching! Because you love, you don't get jealous or possessive. You are over that! Because with Jesus all things are possible. 

Here is a few of my take on what love is:

Love does not expect
Love gives
Love let go
Love smiles and cries sharing the burden and happiness
Love is positive
Love uplifts and upholds
Love does not bear grudges - love forgives
Love prays for one another
Love Is Consistent
Love is listening and spending time with each other
Love is hearing the other
Love is putting a smile on each other’s face
Love is a touch
Love is letting the other speak
Love is encouraging and supporting
Love is honest
Love is telling the truth though it hurts
Love is showing your concern
Love is not spoiling a child
Love is being gentle and kind
Love considers others first
Love looks for the best
Love shows respect
Love seeks unity
Love isn’t selfish
Love offers the best
Love displays patience
Loving others involves pain
Love means giving of yourself
Love means putting your heart out for someone to potentially wound

Love means being selfless and thinking about the needs of others before we think of our own. We'll never love someone without discomfort accompanying it. It isn't easy and is sometimes unnatural, but loving others is something we’re called to do as followers of Jesus. Even people we don’t agree with. Especially people we don’t agree with.

Are we really practicing the above? What are some of your ways of loving?

Knowing how important it is to spread the word on "LOVE", as it affects everyone, I have decided to design LOVE GRAPHICS to promote more love in this world. Here is one of my cute designs that just came out from the press. Words: Love is showing concern for others.

Let's do our bit in practice to show our love for each other, not just family and friends but anyone who needs help! We can do that!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Vintage Labels Galore

 I don't know if I can take these photos but I was kind of guilty in doing so when I photographed these incredible packaging labels. 

Notice that this magazine cover is art nouveau style?

What an elegant front of packaging for corn starch.
I bet these were hand designed in the traditional way. 

Check out the type here. Do you know this typeface?
Would you buy this roasted coffee?
I think that red is a great color to stop you in your tracks.

I have no idea what Plug Slice is but it sure looks like a tobacco tin
as it is elegantly designed with the fligree and type.

This packaging looks industrial when the design is slanted like this.
Nowadays the designers would use a san serif face instead of a hand drawn type.
However, I love it. It reminds me of Toulouse-Lautrec hand painted posters.

What can be more obvious than this? FISH!
Check out the emblem on the top right.