Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Why Rebranding is Needed

You do not need a very complicated website to show the success of your company. That is a myth.

When a website get too complicated, it becomes a turn off and a click off. Customers have no patience to wait for the site load... and to read through everything to figure things out. Help your customers by making things simple.

Your customers can tell if your site is professional done or not. It is very important to promote the right branding image for your company. You do not want your site to be confusing but want at least 3 most important things you want your customers to take away. The rest should be information that leads the customers into your pages gracefully.

The 3 most important things are:
1) Your Brand Feel. For that gives confidence, creates value and professionalism that reflects reliability.
2) What your company does. That includes a logo and a brief description.
3) What you are selling. It could be shown in photos or short descriptions.

The 4th important thing: Offers and Deals
In some cases, like e-commerce sites, offers or deals are important in the first page or in a landing page. This is because you want to make your customers feel valued. And by giving them a discount, they will look forward to more deals in future, checking your site and spreading the word around.

Do not forget that to reach recurring customers. You want to make your site fresh with new information. Maybe to have a new video every month, or the latest content that changes in one of the sections in the front page. That could be a link to new article or a recipe, or an introduction to a famous person, or winning an achievement etc.


Here is a site: AFTER REBRANDING

These are little important things to note when you are evaluating or creating your company's site.
Good Design Is Good Business.

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