Thursday, June 16, 2016

Difference between Photoshop and Sketch

Sketch is a great program, it is like the sister program to Photoshop except that it has all the tools you need for UI to work easier and more.

With the growing popularity of retina displays and mobile devices, I feel like redesigning your app for the sake of adapting to 1x, 1.5x (Android) and 2x doesn’t make much sense and is a huge time waster. That’s why you need a flexible design tool. Sketch supports infinite zooming, 2x export and styled vector shapes that are perfect for multiple resolutions. Layout-wise, resizing rounded rectangles no longer requires you to edit the shape points or duplicating the middle portion. You will only care about pixel dimensions and updating images on the fly will be a breeze on Sketch. Each programs has its own uniqueness and strength.

Though I love Photoshop, it is very bad at exporting assets. The slicing tool there is cumbersome, e.g. that usually means slicing, setting file types and use Save for Web, which forces you to select slices one by one and export. It is so bad that a beautiful application called Slicy had to be created to solve that decade-long problem.

Sketch solves that without a single add-on. For one, it has an Export All feature. Secondly, since it’s vector-based, it can export in PDF, JPG and PNG, optionally in 2x. Last but not least, the UI for managing your slices is efficient.

This might be a new concept for many designers, but what it essentially means is that all the properties that you use on your designs (shadows, border, gradients) are all possible on CSS. On Photoshop, you can go absolutely crazy on the lighting directions, textures and drop-shadows that really don’t translate very well to CSS or Mobile. Styles like Bevel & Emboss, Satin, Angles won’t work seamlessly on CSS unless you’re ready to use many images. Remember, Photoshop is a tool originally made for photo editing and complex graphic designs. Sketch cuts all of that and really focus on user interface design. And even though Sketch is simpler, it actually has deeper features such as unlimited shadows, inner shadows, borders and border properties.

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